Grep usage linux
Grep usage linux

grep usage linux

If you want to search multiple words in the same grep command, then use the egrep command in UNIX (17) line starts with “.” and 2 lower case letters} letters grep '^\.' egrep command in Unix (16)any line that starts with a Period “.” grep '^\.' (15) ‘kite’, with or without quotes grep '"*kite"*' (14) ‘kite’ within double quotes grep '"kite"'

grep usage linux

(13)lines with exactly one character grep '^.$' (12)anything, not a letter or number grep '' (11)any line with at least one letter grep '' 1.txt (10)list your mail grep '^From: ' /usr/mail/$USER (9)search for pairs of numeric digits grep '' file (7)search for TOM, Tom, TOm, or ToM grep 'T' file.txt Grep '\^s' file.txt(6)Search for ‘kite’ or ‘Kite’ (5)lines starting with ‘^s’, “\” escapes the ^ (4)lines containing only ‘kite’ grep '^kite$' (3) ‘kite’ at the end of line grep 'kite$' (2) ‘kite’ at the start of a line grep '^kite' file.txt (1)search file.txt for lines with ‘kite’ grep kite file.txt This can also be done like this also grep 'tom\|bob\|bill\|' file.txt Understanding Regular Expressions : grep regex examples (9) You can search multiple words in a file using “grep -e” grep -e tom -e bob -e bill file.txt The below example searches adpatch.log for word failure in any case grep -w failure adpatch.log (8) We can use the “grep -w” option for searching the specific work, not the sub-string. It will not show the lines which have oracle string in it ps -ef|grep -v oracle We can use grep -v to exclude the search item.

grep usage linux

Its searches for oracle string in current directory files and all the files in a subdirectory grep -r "oracle" * (5) pipe who to grep, look for applmgr who | grep applmgr (4) find ‘run time’ or ‘run-time’ in all txt in file.txt grep runtime *.txt You can use the option “grep -i” to make it case insensitive. By default grep command is case sensitive.

Grep usage linux